Head Back to Town

Zombieville Library

Created and catalouging since 7/29/2024

Welcome to the Zombieville Library! Here you can access all of my current blog posts. They are split into 4 sections.

- Regular: This blog is where I post all of my regular ol posts. Stuff im thinking about, ideas, or events in my life all go here.

- Hard to Read: This blog contains more personal, deep-cutting posts. Struggles I might be going through, my feelings, etc. These blog posts will NOT be announced in the website update page, and is more personal way for me to vent my feelings. Read at your own risk.

- Articles: A section where I write long-winded papers for the internet to see. These may be think-tank esque posts where I may posit something that could exist, or these could be well-researched papers I intend to publish for my own purposes..

- Monthly Recap: A section catalogging a special kind of post. On the last day of every month, i'll reflect on how it went, and post it there. (Note: While this blog has tracked from 7/29/2024 onward, July 2024s recap will not be written.)

Click any of the books below to find each of the blogs listed!