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Zombiethedergs Internet Art Musuem

Welcome to the Zombiethederg Internet Art Musuem.

Over the years, the internet has spread far and wide. But, due to this expansion, we have lost many art pieces to time. Geniuene works on the level of Da Vinci or Van Gogh, simply ignored or forgotten about due to the nature of the internet. This musuem hopes to destroy that notion, catalouging works that we feel deserve to be put in a musuem.

Please note: in no way is this musuem attempting to rank, or criticize the works found in the musuem. we simply display and catalouge them, in hopes that they can be preserved for as long as possible, rather than fade into obscurity.

Next to each peice, you'll find relevant information about them, such as the peices title (whether given by the artist or interpreted by our curator), the date it was first published, and a link back to the peice, if one can be found. You'll also find a short descriptor of what the peice is, such as if its fanart or of someones original characters, and maybe even a comment from the artist. Please note that there may be peices here that some may find disturbing, uncomfortable, or outright horrifying. But such is the nature of art.

If you find your art here and wish for it not to be, please me know at, and I will take down your peice immediatlly. Scroll down to begin viewing our selection!

We have 2 sections of art here at the musuem. Click on the doors below to go to either one!