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Projects Musuem

Welcome to the Projects Musuem! Here you'll find several categories of my "stuff", which can range from DnD campaigns ive run and streamed for the world, or just general things ive been a part of!


Death Save

Death Save is the brandname of all TTRPG campaigns, shows, etc. that I do!

Death Save is a show about TTRPGs, bringing people together, but most importantly, shaking up expectations! Every campaign of Death Save features a completely different cast of players, and can sometimes change even more than that, being of a completely different system, being a homebrewed setting of said system, or any other possible way things can be shaken up! The best part? Every campaign is made of complete strangers, who apply to the show every season!

There are various campaigns that occur on Death Save, and all of them can be found here, on the ZombieTheVods channel! (Look for playlists labeled "Death Save: (Campaign Title)"). I am working on a seperate youtube channel for these VODs, but so far have not found the time to edit them.

Realm of Renovamen

The Realm of Renovamen is a campaign I streamed over the span of a year, of which you can find the complete playlist to here!

The Realm of Renovamen (or RoR for short, and as it will be reffered to for the rest of this entry) was a DnD campaign following the ever-changing party of the Renovamenian heroes. Originally starting as a group of foreginers from a far off land, the group of heroes original motives were to claim a bounty on the head of one Mortiferum, a dastardly lich said to only exist in legend. He was said to have fled as the result of a great wizard coalition coming together after his arrival in the realm, and has not been seen in 830 years. Over the course of the campaign, the party finds he's very much alive, and has sent a dastardly foe against the Renovamenian heroes, a one Sourcen S Sorcerer. The group fought over several trials and tribulations, but ultimately failed in the end, as the island descended into chaos as the Infinite Undeath was cast.

It sounds like a sad end, but there was meant to be a sequel to this campaign where one of the surviving party members contracted a new group of players (the returning cast as new characters) but it sadly never got off the ground, befallen to a fate of scheduling hell, and also my lack of interest in continuing a new campaign, as the original ending felt a little sour.

I believe it was a good start, however! It certainly helped gain me alot of experience in DMing for 5e, and I certainly dont hate it, thats for sure!

The One Verse

The One Verse is a campaign of mine that is on hiatus, but you can find what has been played so far here!

The One Verse is a campaign version of a oneshot series I used to do under the same name, which expands into a new world and interconnects each One Verse One-Shot that was ever done! (Although, this is not the main plot point.) The One Verse follows a group of adventurers from different places and times, sent to a version of the Material Plane known as The Web. Years ago, a group of adventurers ventured out to defy the gods and create a second Material Plane, due to a space crisis within their own original Material Plane. In their efforts, they concocted a ritual in order to create this plane, only to cause their orignal Material Plane to shatter, resulting in an event known as The Great Shattering.

Many characters had their own motives for being in the web. Some to find lost family, some to research its affects, some being denizens that broke free of the Webs influence on their minds, and wish to repair their world. However, one face remains constant with the group whom wander the Web: Gabriel Titandale, a bardic influence who knows of The Cursed Verse, the only way to send people to The Web. Alongside his nefarious prescense, the Webmasters seek to keep the timeloop within the web intact, as if anyone becomes aware of the fact that they are within a loop, they'll go mad, attempting to destroy everything around them.

With all these threats on their back, the group must discover a way to escape from The Web, defeat Titandale, and get back home.

Unforutnately, due to more scheduling conflicts, The One Verse has been put on hold. Not cancelled mind you, as I currentlly have active plans to ressucitate it. However... Fridays are currentlly taken up :P. However, The One Verse may return sometime soon! We shall see.

Writing Stuff

Renovamenian Secrets of Magic

Renovamenian Secrets of Magic (or RSM) is a DnD 5e homebrew sourcebook ive been writing for the past few years. Its main draw is over 190+ new spells for all casting classes, alongside various new magical items, subclasses, and more!

Currentlly, the project is undergoing a re-write under a new name, but its old name will remain the name of this entry until the full new book is completed. Ive been writing this book on and off for about 3+ years, and im hoping one day its in a place where I can hope to release it in full!

The War of Lucky Lunaheim

The War of Lucky Lunaheim is an unfinished story which revolves around an alternate future, where a man wins the lottery for 6 years in a row, and becomes a billionare off of his winnings by not only cashing them in, but by starting a lottery company of his own. Upon his death, he broadcasts a video to the world, stating he's put all of his 5 billion dollar fortune into the pot for the years jackpot, and as a last hurrah, his company will hide the winning ticket inside of a steel box in the grand canyon. However, upon doing this, it sends the world into a frenzy, causing the area to be declared a no-mans land, and crime becoming rampant and uncontrolled in a 30 mile radius of the canyon.

While I wont give anymore, as I may or may not finish writing this story in the near future, its a premise I thought interesting. Im no book author (at least not for the traditonal story proposed here) so if anyone did end up stealing this, I wouldnt mind lol

Coding Stuff

Pokemon Safari Center

The Pokemon Safari Website is a website I created to give people a chance to generate their own custom Pokemon adoptables with moves, the ability to nickname them, natures, and more! It can be found here!

The Pokemon Safari Center website was born out of my perception of adoptables, that being that it was akin to simply downloading an image off the internet and putting it onto my website. I felt like that was enough for me, so I decided to take one of my big fixations and turn it into an adoptable website! All 1000+ Pokemon are present on the website, including a system to allow the catch of shiny Pokemon!

Will I update the website when more Pokemon come out? I dunno! It was alot of work to make the original website. Most likely, i'll add new features sooner or later but as of right now, work on the website is halted due to my focus on other projects.