You've been walking for quite awhile on the internet. Surfing the web, bouncing from website to website. But you've stepped a bit close to... the edge.

Before you know it, your looking over a gaping hole, with only the wind to accompany your thoughts. Its a foreboding sight in this set of grassy plains and low-quality hills. Before you can stumble further, a hand grabs your shoulder. A man wearing a purple hoodie and black face mask turns you around to face him, and says:

"Woah there. Dont wanna dive into the deep web there. Scary place. Why dont you come inside? I dont get many visitors, but I can assure you its better than. Whatevers down there."

He leads you along through the valleys and hills near the massive hole, and a small compound clearly built by hand comes into view... and an archway with the words "Zombieville" scraped into it. He steps inside before you. Do you follow him in?

(Click the button below to follow him in.)